This painting has a heavily textured and three-dimensional appearance.
The painting takes upon a three-dimensional appearance, starting with relief-like layers of blue paint in the sky.
His work achieves a unique three-dimensional appearance, which does not translate well to coffee table books.
But he can carve deeply into the surface, giving a three-dimensional appearance.
And they use a computer technology called flash, which results in a two-dimensional look instead of the three-dimensional appearance of a Pixar film.
The team name appeared in color at the top of the action photo and was often hidden behind a player's head, giving a three-dimensional appearance.
Right now, Attent doesn't look much like a video game, and it will probably never have a dramatic, colorful three-dimensional appearance.
The computer is outfitted for holographic imaging and it can present a three-dimensional appearance quite literally.
And the command system's new three-dimensional appearance is a marked improvement.
Its new design makes extensive use of translucency, giving the computer desktop a three-dimensional appearance.