Quadrivalent cations connect the rings to form a three-dimensional framework.
Commonly the silicate anions are chains, double chains, sheets, and three-dimensional frameworks.
The enormous space was empty of cargo but filled with a storage lattice, a three-dimensional framework into which cargo pallets and pods were normally latched.
These silica tetrahedra are then polymerized to some degree to create various structures, such as one-dimensional chains, two-dimensional sheets, and three-dimensional frameworks.
As the activation-synthesis hypothesis has evolved, it has metamorphosed into the three-dimensional framework known as the AIM model.
Space is a three-dimensional framework in which we can sense direction and quantify distances between objects or points.
Mosesite consists of a three-dimensional framework of HgN groups.
A space frame truss is a three-dimensional framework of members pinned at their ends.
Mining the Mind for Riches The in situ data will be matched in a three-dimensional framework to the reference atlas developed by Allen's team.
Structure is analogous to that of analcime with Be and Si in tetrahedral co-ordination forming a three-dimensional framework.