Full three-dimensional sculptures designed to be viewed from all angles came later and the movement of the pieces became less prevalent in his later works.
It is as if you were looking at a three-dimensional sculpture in video, though a few frames later, the form magically evaporates.
Along with three-dimensional sculptures, relief and bas-relief were also cultivated.
Zuni artists have developed a tradition of three-dimensional beaded sculptures.
The site includes the oldest three-dimensional sculptures found thus far in South America.
"I think of a garden as a three-dimensional sculpture," observes van Sweden.
He discovered his passion for three-dimensional sculptures after thirty years of painting.
"And that three-dimensional sculpture has to work on, in and through the water."
"I call them constructions because they are a combination of two-dimensional painting and three-dimensional sculpture," she said.
The figures are often three-dimensional wooden sculptures several feet tall - up to life-sized.