But whose bathtub rides three-foot waves?
When they go into the warm three-foot waves, they are tied together on a 15-foot line.
Churning whitecaps boiled at the crest of three-foot waves at the bay entrance.
Oil was escaping from the ship with such force that it burst to the surface in surging, three-foot waves.
On this morning, Rory body-surfed a ripping beach break, while farther out, away from the shore, we did the same on steady two- and three-foot waves.
Paddling in the open water was harder than paddling inland, because a stiff breeze from behind was blowing up choppy two- to three-foot waves.
Seventeen passengers were injured during the rescue, which took place amid three-foot waves.
Stranded nearby was the Volunteer State, with three-foot waves breaking over its stern.
We could just make out the shoreline as three-foot waves surged our kayaks toward Waoina Bay, where we planned to camp.
The boat was walloped by three-foot waves, thunder and lightning were everywhere, and for some incomprehensible reason, I was at the helm.