The SEALS might not be much help now; they were a two- or three-hour hike away, above the cloud line.
I was with my parents and we'd been dragged there by an aunt who thought a three-hour hike in sub-zero temperatures was character building.
Then a three-hour hike . . . and here I am.
We then began a three-hour hike to Las Pailas, a site of bubbling mud baths.
Getting there involves either a three-hour hike or an arduous journey by foot, quad bike and 4x4.
A three-hour hike to the summit is a good opportunity to see colorful birds and butterflies.
But for now we still had a three-hour hike through forest.
In the morning, they prepare for a three-hour hike to the mountain's peak.
Be prepared for a stiff three-hour hike up, two hours down.
We followed the sun for most of the three-hour hike, staying in the rock's comforting shade as the sun rose on the far side.