"I felt a real joy that was almost total, for a second," he said in a three-hour interview in his office.
Leo is currently working on a documentary about Jerry Garcia based on a three-hour interview he recorded in 1987.
"The whole point was the vilification of the district attorney, I believe," he said during a three-hour interview in his office on Thursday.
Or call you in for a three-hour interview to corroborate every last detail of your story?
Afterwards, the two returned from Liverpool to Surrey to continue a three-hour interview.
He transfers the shows to the smaller tape format used today and cuts one- to three-hour interviews into half-hour snapshots of history.
It is a line he repeated several times during a three-hour interview with the group in their studio.
Two years ago, six of them agreed to meet individually with him for three-hour interviews.
Yet in a three-hour interview, Mr. Davis said there had always been friction between the police department's hierarchy and his own populist political inspirations.
He declined to sit for a three-hour interview that the organizations held with each statewide candidate in August, after the poll.