He has seen them shuffling into their morbid, thousand-year-old black-stone chapel on Sunday mornings for their three-hour services.
The Prime Minister stayed in the synagogue for only about 40 minutes of the three-hour service.
A. Actually, we expect three-hour service to be phased in starting in 1998 or 1999, and it should be completed by the year 2000.
The speakers in the three-hour service included friends and family.
When seats ran out, some people poured into the choir loft and others simply stood, clutching candles, for all of the nearly three-hour service.
When originally delivered, the railcars were employed on mainline express trains, including crack workings such as a three-hour nonstop service between Dublin and Cork.
Persevering for the three-hour service were leaders of Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Romania.
The three-hour service was a homemade, often impromptu affair.
Hymn-singing, led by the church's two choirs, made up the largest portion of the three-hour service.
The highlyprofitable morning broadcaster has a 24-hour franchise, but only operates a three-hour service.