Burlington will soon have more than 1,200 sorters working three-hour shifts five days a week.
A lot of drama for a $37.12 handbag and only a few seconds in a three-hour shift on camera.
For example, when traveling from coast to coast in the United States, a three-hour shift in the clock is needed.
He arranged three-hour shifts with the bodyguard, taking the first until one in the morning himself.
The volunteers signed up for as many as 10 three-hour shifts.
Johnson and Moss, driving in three-hour shifts, covered 2579.16 miles, with a best lap of 126.2 mph.
The new format now includes two teams of two anchors in three-hour shifts:
They were manning sonar on a twenty-four-hour basis, dividing the duty among them into three-hour shifts.
I think we'd better post double guards for tonight, on three-hour shifts.
I want one thousand men at a time working on the demolition in three-hour shifts.