The news ended a three-month investigation by the French.
The indictments stem from a three-month investigation by the department last year.
Either way, the charges mark the end of a three-month criminal investigation into the worst modern sports scandal in Greece.
Now, with the state's help, the police have completed a three-month investigation and arrested 156 people.
The student admitted writing and releasing the two damaging worms when arrested by German police on 7 May 2004 after a three-month long international investigation.
Apple reported the findings after a special committee of outside directors, lawyers and accountants completed a three-month investigation, examining more than 650,000 documents.
Now, with the state's help, the police have completed a three-month investigation, much of it on videotape, and arrested 156 people.
The report, based on a three-month investigation, found the government's decision was a predetermined and politically motivated effort to silence critical coverage.
Most of that was shared with his partners, Mr. Bell testified, and he received $228,752 for the three-month investigation.
For the first time we publish the full version of our three-month investigation.