He started photography in his teens, and at the age of 16 he left school and went on a three-month journey around Ireland.
Throughout the three-month journey, he took a number of photographs of mountains, streams, his campgrounds, and a variety of other natural settings.
It was an appropriate place to do so: from there, the waters of the River Nile begin a three-month journey to the Mediterranean.
What American Ambassador could today even contemplate a three-month journey?
In August 1998, she set out on a three-month journey, aiming to visit as much of the country as possible.
Lucy and Hope become engaged to be married, scheduled after Hope's return from a three-month long journey for his job.
In late February, he set off for what was to become a three-month journey in what he called "the land of corn, wine, oil and sunshine."
It documented a three-month journey across Canada in search for the paranormal.
The Sisters faced a harrowing, three-month journey.
Morris is an avid traveller; in 1998 he made a three-month journey around world, traveling to research new books and TV series to 21 different countries.