Akbar Yunusi, 27, a short-order cook, finally got his old Kabul house back after a three-month search for the profligate cousin who had run off with the deed.
With the political risks of extending the three-month search substantial, the Mayor announced after several conservations with Dr. Crew that he was satisfied.
He was appointed chairman after a three-month search by a committee led by J. Carter Bascot.
After a three-month search in Ocala, he found a printing shop that would take him at only $7 an hour.
After a three-month search, it was as simple as that.
Agents from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, Interpol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation also took part in the three-month search.
Following a three-month nationwide search, Lyndhurst, the national trust property in Tarrytown, has named a new property director.
Out of 100 resumes mailed, five may result in interviews, and one may lead to a job offer after a three-month search.
However, the search carried out for treasures by an Army unit at Jaigarh Fort, after a three-month search had found no treasures.
After a three-month national search, New Jersey Transit announced that it had tapped Mr. Sarles to serve as its executive director.