"A three-month study is completely inadequate," he said.
The proposals, the result of a three-month study, were contained in a report to the Authority's trustees.
And a three-month follow-up study showed the improvement stuck.
In a three-month study of 4,000 depression patients, at least half didn't get complete relief from the first antidepressant they tried.
So I set out on a three-month study to ascertain the seriousness of Chevrolet's sickness.
Last December, transit officials completed a three-month study that found that fewer than half of the buses ran on time.
During a three-month study of Orange County beaches researchers found them to be the most common beach contaminant.
For example, a three-month study of Italy in the 1800's would include art, history, social issues, music, architecture and politics.
The report was released today after a three-month study.
In 1998, the board undertook a three-month study to determine whether Lafayette should maintain all its varsity teams.