A scheduled three-month test at FitzPatrick this spring should provide definitive information on the system's effectiveness.
Amtrak said today that it would soon begin a three-month test of a "tilt technology" passenger train capable of speeds up to 155 miles an hour on its Northeast express corridor.
Mr. Risom shared the findings of a three-month test of the impact of the new campaign, on which $8 million to $10 million was spent this year.
About 70,000 people signed up for the offer during a three-month test of the concept earlier this year, even though there was no reward.
The Travelodge, near the Dallas Market Center, began its 24-hour flexible check-in and checkout at the beginning of the year after a three-month test.
After six months of good results, Burger King approved a three-month test in five company-owned stores.
Other safety issues include software failure and power outage, but in the three-month test Executive Jet Management conducted, not once did the application shut off or have a failure.
Its organizers expect 150,000 households to take part each month during the three-month test, sometimes repeating viewings or watching more than one episode, for a total of 250,000 views each month.
We're testing the 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid's fuel efficiency during a three-month test.
He and Washington want a three-month test of Palestinian anti-terrorism; seems pretty short.