The original three-page document that established technology giant Apple has been sold for $1.59m (1m pounds), smashing an initial estimate of $150,000 at an auction in New York.
Finchem, who doesn't mind a fight but deplores controversy, issued a three-page document clarifying Rule 6-3 and sent it to the tour rules officials.
Patricia Chavez, a spokeswoman for the United States Attorney's office in Albuquerque, where the case is being heard, said prosecutors would not comment beyond the three-page document.
Mrs. Johnson signed a typewritten, three-page document in which she declared her willingness to spend up to $100 million for a 55 percent interest in the yard.
The evidence that strikes dread in the White House is a three-page document called "the talking points."
According to Le Monde of July 25, the three-page document was regarded by committee members as insufficiently detailed.
"They sent us a three-page document three weeks in advance to review, and when we got there there were 1,000 pages to sign," said Mr. Soldner.
Following is the text of the three-page document, as obtained by The New York Times.
Bacon's will, which he wrote a year before his death, was a three-page document drawn up by Theodore Goddard, a London law firm which represented Marlborough.
She quickly ran through the three-page document.