This became known as the "three-part test" for compliance.
Lamer suggests a three-part test to approach unlawful act manslaughter.
Warren enumerates the powers of the Federal Government next with the aforementioned three-part test.
We must apply this three-part test to determine the constitutionality of Wisconsin Statute 119.23.
This three-part test is also called the Berne three-step test.
The Supreme Court established a three-part test in 1973 to determine whether material is obscene.
Therefore, it failed the first prong of the three-part test and was an unreasonable search under s. 8 of the Charter.
These establish a three-part test for Federal prosecutors who seek to subpoena journalists.
The Court established a three-part test for a successful claim of passing off.
That decision established a three-part test for deciding whether a government-sponsored religious practice violated the establishment clause.