Only a three-person crew was on board, and there were no injuries.
Shenzhou 7 was the first Chinese space mission to carry a three-person crew for several days and conduct a full operation.
Two of the three-person crew at each station are full-time and the third crew member is a volunteer.
It needed only a three-person crew - and combat could be managed by the pilot alone with his AI associates.
The three-person crew stayed aboard the station for 136 days, from November 2000 to March 2001.
Harris has six three-person crews that can usually construct a course from a bare piece of property in fewer than three weeks.
The result will be a basic outpost where a three-person crew can conduct some research and maintain the mechanics of the station inside and out.
The units' life-support systems have 246 man-hour capacity, or 3.42 days for a three-person crew.
We could send out a three-person crew as soon as you give the okay.
Then he began walking toward the Marble, where the three-person crew- wearing distinctive white jumpsuits- were surrounded by technicians.