Restaurants must pass a three-step dish-cleaning test that includes using water hot enough that it evaporates on the plates after rinsing.
The new patent covers a three-step diagnostic test.
The so-called 'Improver' (or Protocol) questions found in the former are a widely-used three-step test for deciding infringement.
People who are coached to give a three-step test can accurately tell if someone is having a stroke, a new study has found.
HERE is a simple, three-step test to determine whether it is possible to cut your home heating bills by replacing your existing windows: 1.
Whether a tribunal could exercise such powers was made subject to a three-step test:
As an alternate metric, the court presented a three-step test to determine substantial similarity, abstraction-filtration-comparison.
Given the rapidly developing nature of technology, the court recommended a modification of the three-step test where appropriate.
In its place, the Court has created a three-step test to evaluate the application of exclusion clauses.
As first outlined in Law v. Canada, discrimination can be identified through a three-step test.