This shamisen, originating in Okinawa, is a banjo-like three-stringed instrument that is played with a plectrum.
Other prominent examples of Okinawan culture include the sanshin—a three-stringed Okinawan instrument, closely related to the Chinese sanxian, and ancestor of the Japanese shamisen, somewhat similar to a banjo.
It is a pear-shaped, three-stringed instrument which is played with a bow.
Their jobs consist of performing songs, dances, and playing the shamisen (three-stringed Japanese instrument) for visitors during feasts.
Kemenche: a three-stringed instrument from the Black Sea region of Asia Minor.
In my arrangement of a Japanese farewell song, "Sayonara", I include a Japanese three-stringed instrument, the shamisen.
That was in 1947, and the performance began a musical career that helped bring the dulcimer, a three-stringed instrument, out of the mountains and into folk music circles.
This hall offers students opportunities to take various workshops, for example,a lecture to learn how to act Japanese Drama, a lecture to learn how to play Shamisen: three-stringed Japanese instrument.
It is used in various personal implements, such as eyeglass frames and shamisen (Japanese traditional three-stringed instrument) picks; the fashion style is known as "tortoiseshell".
The type of the instrument used in Rembetika music was a three-stringed instrument, but in the 1950s a four-string variety was introduced.