On July 27, 2012, he was traded to the Phoenix Suns as part of a three-team deal.
But if Muller is traded, it will probably be part of a three-team deal.
He was traded to the Cleveland Indians on December 11, 2012 as part of a three-team deal.
Utah was pining for a three-team deal with Detroit and Washington last week.
The unusual three-team deal was a natural because of the needs of the respective teams.
But the huge three-team deal they wanted to make came together quickly today, to the verge of completion, before falling apart.
The general managers who made the three-team deal last December had great perserverance and desire.
And in the context of a three-team deal with Cleveland, such a club would probably not have the promising youngsters the Cavaliers are looking for.
The three-team deal that sent Jackson to the Clippers remains an interesting topic for debate.
By engineering a three-team deal that would have also included the Orioles.