He was also a recruiting officer for the all-black 5th Cavalry during the Civil War and then a three-term member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
At his death Mr. Kawamoto was a three-term member of Minamata's municipal assembly.
He was mayor of Bardu and a three-term member of the Parliament of Norway.
Burford is a departing three-term member of the DeSoto Parish Police Jury.
Mr. Inglis, a three-term member of the House, counters by saying the Senator is a "slow-moving 32-year incumbent who's limping."
She defeated Benny Keister, a three-term member.
He is known as Minister of Local Government, mayor of Fåberg and three-term member of the Parliament of Norway.
A three-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1911 to 1916, Stephens was the 24th governor of California from 1917 to 1923.
He was also a three-term member of the Sejm from the BBWR Bloc.
Buhrer was a three-term member of the city council until he was elected as mayor of Cleveland in 1867.