Among the mammal discoveries were the remains of rhinoceroses, tapirs, three-toed horses, pig-like animals, and rodents.
In the Early Miocene, several Oligocene groups were still diverse, including nimravids, entelodonts, and three-toed horses.
Hypohippus ("Low Horse") is an extinct genus of three-toed horse, which lived 17 - 11 million years ago.
But on Earth we have weather, and it happened a long, long time ago, maybe back in the days of three-toed horses and ganoid fish.
They were made when there were three-toed horses and many ganoid fishes on the earth, and maybe on Planet Five.
A large number of very well preserved fossil rhinos, small three-toed and one-toed horses, camels, and birds have been excavated.
The fossils, big and small, include a shrew, a three-toed horse, a bear, a musk deer, a wolverine and a badger.
The Torians' trained lancers mounted on three-toed blue horses could do little against the Hauri if they retreated into their forests and caves.
The state would come to be home to creatures like camels, three-toed horses, mastodonts, oreodonts, saber-teeth, ground sloths, and dire wolves.
Miochippus species are commonly referred to as the three-toed horses.