The purchase ends a three-way partnership that began with ambitious visions but was later plagued by an unwieldy management structure and feuding.
Hank Stone started the business, which has grown into a three-way partnership including his sons Scott and Casey.
A number of contracts have already been negotiated with retailers but the group will operate in a three-way partnership with both processors and retailers.
The result is a three-way partnership between parent, scholar and school governed by mutual respect and shared responsibility.
Potts became majority owner in the now three-way partnership, which also included Mitchell Hayes.
This three-way partnership has enabled all partner groups to benefit from cost sharing in the creation of exceptional physical education facilities.
Corby, England, since 1966 Since 1979, these three cities have been joined in a rare three-way partnership.
With Caesar acting as go-between, the decencies would be preserved and the three-way partnership would work.
The three-way partnership is the latest example of how the various players in the music business are scrambling to keep pace with a shifting market.
They had some preliminary discussions, and in 1986 they formed a three-way partnership.