All this from an idea that came to him during a three-week stay in bed after his back went out.
Upon her return, Wright began to wear braids and was emotionally inspired by her three-week stay.
During our three-week stay, we became professionals at marketing.
Serving officers are assessed for their suitability to continue flight training during a three-week stay with the squadron.
"During their three-week stay at the lab, they develop lesson plans that are unique and stimulating to take back to the classroom."
One was articulate and outgoing; she had been at the shelter for six weeks, having gotten an extension on the normal three-week stay.
But Vivian leaves for a three-week stay in the States for an art exhibit and competition.
But the victory was Swift's first since coming off a three-week stay on the disabled list because of inflammation in his right shoulder.
The king of tap takes up summer residence at the Joyce, holding court for his annual three-week stay.
At the age of six he fell ill, and during a three-week stay in the hospital, he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.