I carried with me an empty infant car bed (aptly named the Dream Ride), a three-week supply of diapers, wipes, pediatric antibiotics, bottles and disposable nipples.
"At last count, the users had only a three-week supply of copper," he said.
Four of them bought the lotion, a three-week supply for $2,100.
But even so there was only something like a three-week supply on hand at the time of departure, figuring cautious use.
It now holds only a three-week supply of water.
But today the Government also acknowledged another startling indicator of its troubles: last month it had a meager two-week to three-week supply of food.
The Shifa hospital, which is running on a generator 18 hours a day, now has a three-week supply of emergency room and surgical drugs, Dr. Saqqa said.
As chairman and chief executive of Pandora Industries Inc., I make sure that we keep no more than a three-week supply of any inventory item on hand.
In the fall of 1989, before the new crop is harvested, the nation is likely to have no more than a three-week supply of soybeans in the bins.
The Interior Department has predicted that the site contains 396 million barrels of oil, about a three-week supply for the country.