In 1991 there was a three-year average of 420 mule deer.
The rankings were based on a three-year moving average between 2009 and 2011.
It was demoted from Listed status in 2010, when the three-year average of its winners' ratings failed to reach the required level.
The rate for white athletes was 55 percent for both the 1985 group and the three-year average.
Among football players, the rate for black athletes was 34 percent for both the 1985 class and the three-year average.
Within those schools, the rate among black men's basketball players was 26 percent for the 1985 class for a three-year average of 23 percent.
To compare states, the Census Bureau suggested using three-year averages of data from 1998 to 2000.
Add to your diagram the trend patterns derived from three-year moving averages.
Some countries have used a three-year average in recognition of the fact that household survey estimates are of poor quality.
His fund's three-year and five-year averages are 9% and 7.5% ahead of the market.