And a recent survey of high school students showed 77 percent expressing interest in three-year degrees.
Guildford College has more than 300 courses, from one-day workshops to three-year degrees.
In principle, there is no reason why the existing three-year degree could not be taught in an intensive 24-month package.
Today, it costs more than £20,000 to embark on a three-year degree - and that's before day-to-day living costs are taken into consideration.
They normally hold a three-year degree and will have developed their skills over four or five years' mentored work experience.
Programs are three-year degrees in design and business.
It was established in 1924 and offers courses that include three-year and five-year degrees.
It offers two- and three-year degrees as well as vocational training.
For a two- or three-year degree, a one-year residency is required.
In 1968, the three-year degree was extended to 4 years constituting 8 semesters.