After a three-year fight, she collects $393.06 a week in workers' compensation benefits, along with pension and Social Security disability checks.
Details about the three-year legal fight between disciplinary officials and Ms. Holtzman emerged in Ms. Holtzman's legal filings.
Their campaign follows a three-year fight over a joint operating arrangement in Detroit.
After a three-year legal fight, a Paris court yesterday rejected a lawsuit by French human rights advocates and Holocaust survivors who sued Yahoo for one symbolic euro.
Stand Up to Cancer also has a fund-raising site called Team Blake, in honor of his close friend Wilson Holloway, who died after a three-year fight with Hodgkin's lymphoma.
A Mexican family living in Leicester has won a three-year fight to stay in the United States.
The wetlands project was brokered by the utility after a three-year fight over whether the utility was meeting its obligations under the state's Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.
The truce would end a three-year fight that involved a series of copyright and antitrust lawsuits filed by each company against the other in Federal courts in Minnesota and Ohio.
Ending a three-year fight, the Government lent the industry, free of charge, new space on public airwaves worth $7 billion to $15 billion, according to Federal estimates.
It's the beginning of a two-year, a three-year fight in 11 states or more and in school-board rooms around the country.