A three-year study for a railway tunnel was announced in 2003.
It is based on a three-year study of 5,000 scientific documents by the 19-member committee.
In the meantime, the bill provides for a three-year study of the cost impact on the bus industry.
Further, the patients who were given the drug treatment during the three-year study lived longer than those who did not receive it.
In addition, the law calls for a three-year study of the effect on dolphin populations.
It included 285 kids who were about 3 years old when the three-year study started.
Preliminary results from a three-year 2009 study, including high dose treatments, show very few side effects.
The plan is a result of a three-year study that cost the county about $4 million.
The researchers did not find an increase in fractures during the three-year study.
The research began in 1991 as a three-year study of 994 women and was extended several times to follow 247 participants for 10 years.