The three-year veterans were mustered out on September 7, 1864.
Matt Munger, a three-year veteran who has played almost exclusively on special teams, might also be vulnerable.
Oglesby, a three-year veteran, started 18 games for the Miami Dolphins in 1991 but was released in 1992.
He was a three-year veteran of the county police force.
Roger Duffy, a three-year veteran and backup guard, will start in place of Cadigan.
Although the charges were later dropped, he said, the Department of Corrections started an internal investigation of the three-year veteran.
Officer McClendon, a three-year veteran of the force, had worked an earlier shift that day.
A three-year veteran of the sport, she is determined and disciplined.
Officer Brian Jones, age 37, a three-year veteran of the force.
A few days later, on August 27, 1864, the three-year veterans were mustered out and returned to their homes and families.