Having an eight-year-old son myself, with his three-year-old brother learning fast, I empathise with the parents whose credit cards have been stung in this way.
And I can hardly be expected to leave my three-year-old brother here in the care of a strange man.
When Nannerl was seven, she began keyboard lessons with her father while her three-year-old brother looked on.
His mother had emotional problems and, after a fire in their apartment in which his three-year-old brother died, she grew unable to care for him.
She could barely imagine the guilt Pete must have experienced over the tragic death, long ago, of his three-year-old brother.
What difference did it make what my three-year-old brother believed at the moment of his death?
Her three-year-old brother was inside, unconscious.
He built a kart, originally meant for eight-year-old Lorena, but unlike her three-year-old brother, she showed no interest in the sport.
"We did need some aid," Geoffrey admitted, and he reached out to clap his three-year-old brother on the shoulder.
Due to the distraction, Cheung also became separated from his three-year-old younger brother.