She begged him to come, and spent more time in composing a letter that should bring him, than she did over the most thrilling episodes in her 'works'.
The hero of those thrilling episodes did not confront ordinary human beings, but villains from other planets.
The memoir offers a catalog of nightmares that the Walls children were encouraged to see as comic or thrilling episodes in the family romance.
Three days had elapsed since the thrilling episode at the house of Wang Foo, the Chinese tea merchant, and the memory of his close escape from destruction still brought chills to Vincent's spine.
But sadly no, the climax of this intriguing and intermittently thrilling episode left us in no doubt who the murderer was, which at this stage certainly felt like a disappointment.
Stay tuned for another thrilling episode.
Their engagements with Cork in the Munster Championship and Kilkenny and Wexford in the All-Ireland series were among the most thrilling episodes of hurling play in the mid-century.
Nonetheless, the latest generation of second world war historians is finding that, despite these myriad volumes, in many languages, there is still more to say or another thrilling episode to investigate.
Erelong, he fondly believed, the recovery would be so far complete that he could consign to the tomb of pleasant memories even the most thrilling episodes of his ill-starred courtship.
The authors also provide simple stories of individual courage, beginning with a thrilling episode from the first days of cold war submarine spying.