Compared with the filthy, cold water in the washing-basin back home, this was a thrilling experience.
This was thrilling experience for the young band and it got their career off to a good start.
The first of its kind in India, it was a thrilling experience for the participants.
It was the most thrilling experience I've ever had, Andy.
Asked, "What has been your most thrilling musical experience?"
"It was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life to speak before that group!"
"It's a thrilling experience," said Manson, who is 65 and going to the games for a third time.
"It was one of the most thrilling experiences of a play that I've ever seen," he said.
The finale of the ride is a thrilling experience where guests drop nearly 200 feet.
The roads are laid out nicely and a ride through the forest gives a thrilling experience.