Can Woods, who has won the last two P.G.A. titles in thrilling fashion, add another gem to his already brilliant career?
Mickelson won his first major in thrilling fashion, making an 18-foot putt on the final hole to edge Els at the Masters in April.
London would win game 5 at home and game 6 in Barrie in thrilling fashion.
When his chance came in the seventh inning last night at Shea Stadium, Orsulak delivered in thrilling fashion.
Troy would once against win a regular season title in 2013, this time in a thrilling fashion.
Those two points kept their European Championship dream alive in thrilling fashion.
The Aztecs won the game 29-26 in a thrilling fashion.
There were some historic moments for the Cubs as well, as they won the 1935 pennant in thrilling fashion.
The club claimed the '35 pennant in thrilling fashion, winning a record 21 games in a row in September.
After losing to Lebanon, David helped the Nationals beat 3-time defending champions Iran, 77-75 in thrilling fashion.