A strange form Mourasuchus also thrived alongside Purussaurus.
Glasgow University Boat Club thrives alongside other academic and public clubs and there are a number of competitions held on the river every year.
The story takes place in a parallel dimension, where prehistoric life thrives alongside diverse human civilizations that are not technologically advanced.
Whether such brave ideas can thrive in the rough tide of freedom alongside economic want and nationalist fervour remains to be seen.
Suddenly we were following the course of an odd unfrozen stream with lush plants thriving alongside it, their leaves glossy green against the snow.
The German and French cultures thrived alongside one another, but French came to be the dominant language.
From the archaeological evidence it appears that the two cultures, Greek and Oscan, were able to thrive alongside one another.
The roadside is the true American melting pot, where common American native wildflowers thrive alongside the happy immigrants.
Concurrently thriving alongside mentalism since the inception of psychology was the perspective of behaviorism.
The Haast region is a major nature refuge with enormous stands of rainforest thriving alongside extensive wetlands.