He seems to thrive amid the buzzing activity and instantaneous decision making that takes place on a movie set, even more so when time and money are short.
If the market bogs down in squabbles between providers and labels, alternatives controlled by neither side could thrive amid the chaos.
The reputations of dictators thrive amid poverty and instability.
They have done it by overcoming several injuries, by not trading for a pitcher and by thriving amid an environment that has been unpredictable.
But it's telling that the arts in Barcelona thrived despite and amid all this chaos, and mostly with no special regard for it.
The ospreys seem to thrive amid the screams of victory and the inconsolable agony of defeats.
Civil war thrived amid greed and treachery.
What motivated him instead was the idea that a culture managed to thrive amid the suffering.
Similarly, democracy is unlikely to thrive amid hunger and deprivation.
Refugee camps are no place for babies, who are not expected to thrive amid deprivation.