It thrives indoors as a house plant as a youngster, but keep in mind that a mature Norfolk Island pine is a timber tree.
The challenge is to select the ones are used the most and evolve individual ways to keep them thriving indoors.
Red spider mites thrive indoors and out.
As a result the windowsills now boast a rather splendid array of ferns that are particularly adept to thriving indoors.
Hardy to Zone 8, they grow where winters are cool and damp, but will not thrive indoors in poor light and typical drier-than-desert humidity.
But they can find many places to thrive indoors, and sometimes the "remedies" for nasal discomfort actually make matters worse.
He was also intrigued by the hundreds of trees and plants that thrived indoors, and he was a born people-watcher.
They do not thrive indoors, where the light is generally too dim, and humidity often too low, for them to grow properly.
Diane Dixon, who has hard times outdoors, continued to thrive indoors.
Parsley needs good, light soil, good drainage and frequent watering to thrive indoors.