They are not a lifestyle choice to help increase your yearly income through benefits and should not be treated as such a mechanism.
People get $1,000 a month or more for doing nothing through various unemployment and social benefits.
However, Nuri's attempts to preserve the loyalty of the military through generous benefits failed.
Experts say the tax will likely be passed on to employees through higher premiums or lower benefits and wages.
The hard-core jobless are running through benefits well before job opportunities come along.
Much of the Federal savings will come through reduced benefits to immigrants.
MacDonald continued his work helping veterans face a multitude of issues from finding counseling to cutting through benefits red tape.
The vast majority of the Administration's funds are provided through mandatory spending for compensation, pensions, and other benefits that were established in previous legislation.
The remaining $200,000 has to be raised through membership, benefits and grants.
The union is financed through its operations, a grant from the University and additional benefits brought by its charitable status.