I had to scan through clips of the scenes one by one but I found her on the seventh clip.
The series looked back on past events through highly edited clips and "celebrity" interviews, looking back on the present and near-future from the year 2031.
But then Pete said, "I heard she was down at the newspaper, looking through clips in the morgue."
As illustrated through numerous clips, Paul Winchell' s puppets were extremely animated, changing forever the possibilities for puppet manipulation.
Playing on the first floor of the gallery, it tells the lurid tale of making art through clips from Hollywood films.
The rescue from that year is then seen through clips from "Babylon Squared."
History of Surabaya at that time could be seen through pictures, clips, and stories.
He'd already run through several clips.
Season 1 featured a clip of the trio singing the song live in concert, and Season 5 included the song through clips of the episode.