Most courts also allow a defendant's predisposition to be demonstrated through prior conduct or reputation.
Saṃvara: Through right conduct, it is possible to stop the influx of additional karma.
To see it withered, denotes that she will miss happiness through careless conduct.
"A king", he claimed, "is he who gives expression of his humanity through virtuous conduct."
The Board prohibits any member of the district staff from harassing a student through conduct or communications of a sexual nature.
However, as children, individuals tend to do this through friendship, academics, and interpersonal conduct.
Recruitment to services & posts under the state through conduct of competitive examinations.
Mankind's role in this life was, through good conduct, to release the parts of himself that belonged to Light.
The courts have interpreted this to mean that monopoly is not unlawful per se, but only if acquired through prohibited conduct.
The objective is to protect customers and investors through conduct of business rules and other measures.