Markets through supply and demand set a price on various items or behaviors.
The line offers competitive fares and passes through large cities with well-developed public transportation and high demand for intercity travel.
Today, China is committed to transforming its economy into one where future economic growth is generated primarily through domestic demand.
It serves and has grown only through popular demand.
"Ferry traffic rises naturally through supply and demand," Mr. Wronowski said.
Changing work patterns may have influenced the fact that the town was the first rural telephone exchange in Britain to be broadband-enabled through public demand.
Because of this, food crops suffered tremendously through supply and demand.
Capital inflows (say to the Netherlands) may stimulate currency appreciation through demand for money.
It aggregated individuals and businesses through demand and supply across the economy.
When all companies make such decisions, there is a feedback through economy-wide demand, causing a second round of production cuts, and so on.