The best way to break through misconceptions and denial is for patients to find doctors that they like and trust.
Like a man told he has a terminal illness, I worked my way through denial, anger, negotiation, and depression.
It's as if by pretending these things never happened, they're trying to make them go away through sheer denial.
Some are going through denial while others are trying to cope with the loss.
She went through the expected stages of shock, denial, then feelings of depression, and finally anger.
Another was an 18-year-old man who, according to his social worker, "is handling his diagnosis through denial."
Like the stages of serious illness, we've passed through anger and denial during this primary season.
(Hey, some people go through denial, anger and bargaining too.)
They should not be punished, he said, through denial of credits for those cleanups.
The Syrian Baathists have dealt with sectarian differences through official denial.