Through the Depression, wars and natural disasters, baseball has provided a shoulder to lean on.
This post is her current focus today and she has been the guiding force for it through disasters such as the BP oil spill.
I'm sure there'll be some nutter out there unhappy with Big Gubbiment interfering in god's plans to kill off people through natural disasters.
All over the world there have been reports of mysterious lights replacing the sun, things flying through space, major earthquakes , and countless disasters.
The Eschaton's inhabitants have lost much of their technological knowledge through disasters and conflict.
Both men had fought their way through disasters; they were fearless and, at bottom, angry.
It is an action-adventure survival game, where the player must survive through various natural disasters, all the while also battling terrorists and rescuing civilians.
Together with Olimpija he went through all the club's glories and disasters.
We have come close to extinction in this century through natural disasters and through things people inflict on each other.
AS he tumbles through disasters at home and at work, Preston encounters every stereotype of women in power.