From here, Juárez directed the opposition movement, from which the Liberals obtained supplies and money through duties received in the port city.
Knowledge: Acquaintance with facts and laws, combined with the awareness and understanding that sustain an officer through daily duties (9:00)
The government took its share through duties and taxes, with the remainder going to merchants in Britain.
Contribute to all aspects of the operation of SERC through other duties as assigned.
He believes that we could finance the government through sales taxes, tariffs and duties.
Although they possessed talent, it was too weak to generate important magic, so they devoted themselves to serving the ordained Brethren through manual labor or domestic duties.
And I read somewhere yesterday that petrol will be 33p per gallon more early in 2012 - through increased duties.
His supporters, mostly those with heavy military backgrounds, believed that the proper way to groom a successor was through military duties, not political positions.
Its slogan since the 1930s has been "work for everyone", and the party seeks a strong welfare state, funded through taxes and duties.
There are areas where Member States implement the budget (agriculture, cohesion, pre-accession funds) and for collection of the EU's own resources through customs and duties.