He was killed, allegedly through execution, by Jordanian forces on 23 July 1971.
Producers are involved in every aspect of a project, from the initial creative briefing through execution and delivery.
In addition to the victims of the torture house, more than a million people had lost their lives through execution, starvation and hard labor.
He continued to believe it a good plan which had failed through poor execution.
She is an example of those who seek suicide through execution by committing a murder.
Through their good luck and execution, the Yankees have won six straight games since losing on opening day.
Creativity covers the creative process, from concept through execution.
During his leadership, through strategic review and execution, the school continued to progress remarkably in academic excellence.
The rest had been killed either on the battlefield, through disease or through execution after their surrender.
Applied Engineers are prepared to take an engineering design and see it through implementation and execution.