Hindus perform their worship through icons (murtis).
Some are straight races, while others require the players to kill chickens or drive through icons along the way.
A wheel in the upper left corner of the screen shows whose turn is coming up through icons representing each combatant.
Art is the result of what the mind creates, around, in and through elemental icons (where yesterday's art ends).
Each presents the culture of their respective nation through cultural figures and icons in a variety of materials.
The Booster had a gauge of how often certain items and abilities could be used, but that, as with her health, could be replenished through pick-up icons.
In 1887 they succeeded in overthrowing their rivals, the dominant Lunda, and re-proclaimed their royal lineage through icons like these.
The website and book were created to teach children about digital photography through simple terms, examples, and icons.
The Q uses the Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 operating system, giving it a PC-like look and feel, as PC users browse through familiar icons on its screen.
The game is played mainly through icons and menus.