Fortunately, you can lower your blood pressure through diet, exercise, and medication.
The best way to control blood sugar levels continues to be through diet, medication, and physical activity.
It would be better for everyone if more diabetics took care of their disease through diet, exercise, medication and regular blood testing.
The challenge, of course, is losing the weight, and many obese patients cannot achieve this through simple diet, exercise or medication.
The cause of these symptoms is not well understood, but the pain can often be managed through medication or physical therapy.
Wayne sang well through extreme pain and medication while seated in his wheel chair.
As part of the hospital's chest pain center, his staff teaches people how to contain or avoid problems through diet, life style and medication.
But with diabetes, it is especially important that patients' blood sugar levels be kept as steady as possible through regular medication.
The latter continue near-normal lives through medication and occasional treatment.
Ophthalmologists provide these services as well as treatment of disease through medication and surgery.