Halfway through his swing, the Hassassin dropped the bar and screamed in agony.
Powerful echoes of Stephane Grappelli and Bix Beiderbecke are among the influences rippling through the Howard Fishman Quartet's seamless swing.
While the blade arced through its swing, he shrugged his arms free of the bindings.
Peter put his hand out slowly, reluctantly, and stopped the door halfway through its swing.
Dellacqua struggled through her Asian swing making qualifying exits in China, Japan and again in China.
Midway through the President's current six-day swing through the West and South, aides changed Mr. Bush's Georgia itinerary to add a stop in Savannah to his existing schedule of Atlanta events.
She saw herself releasing the bar, balled and somersaulting, and reaching her father, his back and arms arched to receive her, as he reached a point halfway through his outside swing.
Rourke inverted the gun, to use it as a club, another man rushing them, but Ruben-stein had the AR turned around and was halfway through his swing.
Bork spun to his left, left elbow nearly straight, his arm formed into a slightly curved bar, fist knotted tight A giant stood there, bigger than Bork, halfway through his swing with a sword.
On the first four holes, McGann missed each of her approaches to the left, failing to move her lower body aggressively through her swing.