The company would also be poised to serve millions of more homes through affiliates and partners.
XProtect video management software is sold through authorized and certified partners in 115 countries.
"Trade and capital flows will be diverted through favored partners."
The virus is spread through sexual partners or sharing needles.
Yet the company nonetheless offers its customers the installation of complete solutions through certified partners.
Raising funds for scholarships through its annual technology conferences, corporate partners, and other fundraising activities.
Distribution of products is worldwide through various partners, resellers, and distributors.
Kantar Worldpanel has a team of 3000 people and services covering more than 50 countries with direct ownership or through partners.
Situations change and so does the pattern of how we distribute through different partners.
Many international organisations are still trying to support those affected by the famine - either working in government-controlled areas or through partners.