Recently, Yatama detailed its position through numerous proposals offered in an effort to bring peace to our embattled people.
Congress is now sifting through several proposals on what Detroit should be building as part of a debate over national energy policy.
It looks through proposals for expenditures and participates in the annual auditing process at the end of the year.
The overall quality and types of the items sold in these shops can be changed through proposals to the Dark Assembly.
Of these 650 ideas, 20 were chosen to be implemented through proposals from schools and other educational institutions.
The committees would do the early work of working through proposals preparing them for Council.
Why, they will ask, should he not have the same right as his immediate predecessor to rush through important proposals while most citizens' backs are turned?
Congress is currently sifting through various proposals to improve regulation of natural gas transmission and distribution lines.
Indeed, the chief rival of science is a relative: engineering, which also evolves through proposals and rigorous testing.
They accuse Republicans of trying to jam through proposals that would devastate low-income schools.