Prior to contact, and for a brief time after colonization, some of these groups regularly conducted war against each other through raids and attacks.
The government offered the Palestinians positive inducements to leave, including a favorable currency exchange, but also caused panic through night-time raids.
Flocks of Churros were also acquired by the Navajo through raids and trading.
The Comanche also acquired maize, dried pumpkin, and tobacco through trade and raids.
Through raids, trade and intermarriage, the Navajo acquired many aspects of the Pueblo culture.
At the time much of the debt was used to retire equity when corporations were taken over through raids, mergers and leveraged buyouts.
None had been consulted and they protested through raids on British fishermen and settlements.
Over the years, the insurgents have increased their armory by capturing weapons through raids on Bangladesh military units.
Most other slaves were obtained from kidnappings, or through raids that occurred at gunpoint working together with Europeans.
Through raids of corsairs on European vessels, enslavement of white people was also commonplace.